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Marcellos Kongsberg byvandring med historielaget

Arrangementet var på onsdag 24. mai og det møtte opp 70 personer. Historiker Dag Kristoffersen forteller om Marcello som belgtråkker til orgelet i kirken. Videre forbi der avisen Kongsberg Adressa lå og opp til Marcellohuset. De som vil blir med opp den bratte bakken til St.Hansflata og steinen med inskripsjonen. Så over Jernbanebrua og ser der Marcello svømte over Lågen, ned til bakeriet der han jobba.  


100 year anniversary - blue sign

Villa Arjuna turned 100 years old in 2020. On September 12, we celebrated with a tour in Marcello's footsteps during the time he lived in Oslo. We meet at Oslo S and drive through the places where Marcello lived, had his business or invested. Storytelling by the Secretary General of the City of Oslo and Wenche Tømmervik who is the deputy leader of the association. 50 people took part in the trip.


A blue cultural-historical sign was hung up on Ajuna where Marcello lived and worked.


100 year anniversary - blue sign

Villa Arjuna turned 100 years old in 2020. On September 12, we celebrated with a tour in Marcello's footsteps during the time he lived in Oslo. We meet at Oslo S and drive through the places where Marcello lived, had his business or invested. Storytelling by the Secretary General of the City of Oslo and Wenche Tømmervik who is the deputy leader of the association. 50 people took part in the trip.


A blue cultural-historical sign was hung up on Ajuna where Marcello lived and worked.


140 year anniversary - blue sign

On 6 July 2018, a 140th anniversary was arranged for Marcello's birth at Kongsberg.


Blue cultural-historical signs were hung up at Marcello's childhood home and current owner, Wenche Gulbrandsen, opened the house to visitors. About 80 people showed up.


Lars Gylder welcomed and the Kongsberg Kommune Mayor Anne Kari Sand gave a speech. Wenche Tømmervik read from Marcello's autobiography about his childhood at Kongsberg. Dag Kristoffersen from Kongsberg city history team took the participants to Mikaelhulen up the hill.


Memorial Concert - The Peace Formula

On 30 December 2017, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Marcello's death, the association arranged a memorial concert with the theme PEACE FORMULA. Artists, family, writers and others contributed to a wonderful and dignified moment of remembrance. 210 tickets were sold.


The event took place in Vestre Aker Church in Oslo where Marcello is buried.



  • Åsmund Gylder - Family

  • Dag Kristoffersen - Historian

  • Per Ingvar Haukeland - Author

  • Wenche Tømmervik - Organizer and medium

  • Ann Kathrine Kvakkestad - Family

  • Nina Kath. Bay Larsen - Family


Musical elements:

  • Åsmund Gylder with Sigmund Reff and Roar Berg

  • Crescendo choir

  • Daniela Reyes Holmsen

  • Zotora Nygaard

  • Wenche Tømmervik

  • Audun Myskja and Aase-Hilde Brekke

  • Anita Hegerland with Espen Rogn

  • Lars Hansen


All singing: Klinkekule by Erik Bye

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