Mikael Martin Hansen Haugen born July 6 at Kongsberg, Norway
Martin's special abilities as a viewer are discovered by the family.
Martin was led to the cave, which will eventually play an important role for him.
Thorius's father dies after a mining accident, 40 years old. Martin has to quit school and
start as a newpaperboy in "Kongsberg Address".
Become an apprentice with bakery master Ebhardt Eriksen at Kongsberg.
The mother, Ellen Marie, moves to Oslo with the smallest children.
Martin receives a certificate of apprenticeship from the bakery in March, and moves to Oslo to his mother and siblings that same year. Except his brother Hans who lives in the house in Kongsberg.
Martin gets a job at Kristiania Maskinverksted in Thorvald Meyers gate in Oslo and works there as a driver from 6 in the morning to 6 in the evening. He later becomes henchmen and welders, and eventually ends up drawing in the drawing room. Where he gets to transfer drawings of bridges and other interesting constructions. Salary was at NOK 38 a week when he quit, and he was offered the job as chairman if he wanted to continue.
On May 16 this year, at the age of 20, he will be employed by Jernbaneverket as a locomotive plumber, firefighter and locomotive driver's assistant in the 3rd district of Hamar. Such employment meant that he was supported for the rest of his life.
This fall he will be transferred from the Røros railway to Otta station in Gudbrandsdalen, which at that time was the last station for this line. Martin lives on Otta for seven years, the seven years he later calls «the happiest time in his life». The pay was two kroner a day. It was here at Otta that his strange abilities constantly stood out to him.
Martin enrolls as a student at Kristiania Technical Elementary School, presumably because he would try to become a driver, but never enters.
One summer day, Herman (Portaas) Wildenwey comes to Otta, after a long stay in America. At Otta, he gets a job as a linguistic hotel assistant at Bjørkheim Hotel. It is also this summer that he is writing his debut poetry collection. Martin and Herman become good friends, and once they are on a hike, Martin predicts that something exciting will happen to Wildenway. While sitting there it becomes clear to Martin that the collection of poems will be called "Nyingen" and nothing else. When Wildenway later travels back to Kristiania, he suddenly becomes a famous and celebrated poet.
Martin is appointed as quarantine and his salary has now risen to NOK 9.60 per day. The travel desire is now being realized as he gets the honor of going the Hamar - Otta travel almost every day. He now lives alternately on Hamar, Ringebu and Lillehammer, and for a time he also serves on the Røros railway.
Everywhere he travels he meets new people, and one after the other is helped by him. He asks them to stop, but rumors have spread that Gudbrandsdalen has been given a new "Vis-Knut", a miracle man from Gausdal. From now on, he can not go in peace, because when the train stops at the station people are waiting for him. There are sick people who have not received help from a regular doctor, people who have lost animals and things, some who need help finding water, while others are worried about their loved ones and will simply be told.
Martin takes on the tasks and master them with brilliance. Many young girls are also constantly comming to the locomotive stall to meet Martin with their beautiful eyes and warm smile. How he was able to see things that were impossible for others to discover he himself has only given hints. He must have told a friend once that when he was facing a human, it was just like pressing a telegraph key. Then an inner picture came to him, as clear as a cinematographer. For example, Marcello could see the cause of an illness. If he was serious, he usually recommended that he go to a doctor, but if there was something that could be cured with herbs, he did.
Martin goes for the first time to Italy, 31 years old, and searches his family-there. As he had promised his grandma.
Coming back from abroad and calling himself Marcello from now on.
Marcello is present at a lecture by Rudolf Steiner for the first time.
Purchases a beautiful plot of land at Mesnaelva on Lysgård land at Lillehammer, where "old Svarga" is gradually built as a small cottage. He is currently stationed at Ringebu.
Seeking travel scholarship for Government employees of NOK 250, before being able to travel to Germany and England.
Lives for a period at Ringebu and during this period goes several times to Bergen.
Marcello is introduced to Rudolf Steiner at a lecture in Oslo.
At 34 he officially takes the name Marcello and writes it in his own baptismal certificate.
Being attacked in the nwepapir by the medical staff for the first time and accused of quackery.
In the fall, he was granted one year's leave from the railway to study natural medicine.
Steiner founded the Anthroposophical Society early this year after breaking with the Theosophical Movement. Marcello joined the Norwegian branch of the company.
Marcello is recommended by central anthroposophists in Norway and the central "envoy" of the German Anthroposophical Society, Camilla Wandrey, as a member of the Company. Marcello goes to Berlin and joins the anthroposophical environment here.
Marcello goes to Rome where he studies sculpture in the Basilica of Ulpia, later to go to Germany and Austria-Hungary to accompany Steiner on his lectures. Marcello learns a lot and feels closely related to Steiner.
Will be sent by Steiner to Meran in Austria to help the poets Morgenstern and Bauer, who were both Steiner's inner circle. At the train station he is greeted by Count Daughter Maria Agnes from Vichtenstein Castle on the Danube. Marcello joins here for a period of time.
In April Marcello will be excluded from the Anthroposophical Society in Germany. This is something that hits him very hard. There are still many opinions on the reason for the exclusion.
During the "hearing" (in which Marcello was not allowed to attend), Steiner expresses that Marcello was not fit to be a member of the German Anthroposophical Society. This was based on the notion that Marcello's clear-sightedness was of an "atavistic character" and thus not grounded in scientific research. In addition, claims were made that Marcello should have molested young ladies and that he posed a danger to the Company's further growth.
We know a completely different version. It is probably true that Marcello did not have a "scientific approach" to key topics in anthroposophy and that it was a more "personal surrender" he sought. That he should have abused people in his quest for knowledge falls on his own unreasonableness. It is enough to refer to a central member of both the Norwegian and German sections of the Anthroposophical Society, who knew Marcello well, criticized the exclusion, in particular Richard Eriksen (who had recomended Marcello's membership) and Marta Steinvik.
Marcello is in demand as a clearvoyant by the German General Staff in Berlin, and predicts the outbreak of the First World War. The shots in Sarajevo will be released on June 28th 1914.
Marcello had been contacted already early in the year, and later went to Austria-Hungary where he was offered the position of adviser to Emperor Franz Josef, which he declines.
In the fall Marcello goes to Stavanger where he meets his later good friend Alf Mathisen, who was 12 years old then moved to Lillehammer. In Stavanger, Marcello lived in Suldalsgate 19 (today Middle Suldalsgate). Later, he welcomed people in Kirkegata 34, or 36.
At the end of the year Marcello lives for a time in Bergen.
Marcello joins NSB and starts practice as a psychic and naturalist, although his application for a grant is rejected in the Council of State on June 15th.
Marcello gets set up cabin "Sameti" at Tokampen mountain near Otta, 870 meter asl. The name "Sameti" means "I thirst" and was Jesus' word on the cross, but it probably warms that Marcello had a deeper meaning with the name.
At Tokampen there was a small village fortress once upon a time, and you can still see the remains of old walls up here till this day. The Tokampoen mountain protrudes out of the forest a little west of the Prillargurit peak, with partly steep sides. The summit has a small recess, and right there lies the cabin with a magnificent view to Jotunheimen on one side, and Rondane and Dovre on the other. The cottage soon became a favorite hangout for Marcello and all other visitors.
The cabin still stands there and is always open. One can still read Marcello's writing on a note where he welcomes foreign guests and asks them to leave the cottage in the same condition as they found it. The cabin is featured in most local tourist brochures, and there is today marked trail all the way forward.
After giving up his position at the railroad, Marcello seems to spend some time in Bergen in his work to help people, but he is not comfortable here. And then briefly lives in Hamar before returning to Kristiania.
Marcello starts his job as a visionary, healer and advisor in his own offices in Parkveien 76 in Oslo, where his youngest sister Inga Gylder also lives with her husband Johan and their daughter Borghild.
Marcello travels again down Europe, to the county of Vichtenstein, Austria, having been there already in the period 1913 –1914, where he then had his own room at the castle there. Marcello was there several times with his good friend glass-master Mathisen from Stavanger. On this trip, Mathisen and Marcello each bought their own urban farm in Berlin.
Marcello has a daughter who is later baptized Anna Marie Terka Thoriussen Haugen.
Marcello publishes the cosmology "Adventure for children and adults" as their first book release.
Marcello heals builder Johan Thorvaldsen for an illness and later travels several trips with him in Europe, doing business and having common interests in the real estate and construction industry.
His sister Inga Gylder gives birth to her second child, and the child is given the name of Willfred ("will peace") at Marcello's request, a name not chosen at random.
"Villa Arjuna" is being built in Ullevål Hageby erea in Oslo on a plot given by Thorvaldsen, and Marcello moves his business from Parkveien to Arjuna in Ullevålsalléen 8. The neighboring house where Thorvaldsen lives is given the name "Villa Kundalini".
Prior to this, Marcello's family had lived in the following places in Oslo.
-Saxegård, down by the ruin park at the railway line in a two-story building. Here Marcello lived with his mother and siblings (apart from Hans who remained in his childhood home in Kongsberg), this was the first place the family lived after the house in Kongsberg was sold (1896-1898).
- Oslogate on the floors facing Ekeberg on the ground floor (1898 –1902)
- Håkons gate 20, Oslo a small cul-de-sac at the top of Åkebergveien where his mother ran a dairy shop (1902 - 1906).
- Parkveien 76, entrance to the right in the gate room, 4th floor, an old corner yard between Parkveien and Reichweinsgate.
The apartment was very small and all the floors including the rooms in the apartment were used as a waiting room. This meant in plain language that those who were to enter this staircase had to feed sitting and standing patients from the entrance and up to the 4th floor, so that Inga and Borghild always had to "og ahead and cleen the stairs" as was reasonable (1906-1917).
- Danmarksgate no. 36, Oslo which was a side street to Vålerenggata and which consisted mostly of low houses with one floor. Marcello got off the tram in Ingeborgsgate, walked up a small steep hill, before embarking on the long Danmarksgata. During this period he traveled extensively and therefore had little or no time to receive patients. Stayed here from 1917-1919 until he moved to Villa Arjuna.
- Villa Arjuna in the Ullevålsaléen 8. The house painted pink-and-white from the start, but eventually it became completely white. In the basement, Marcello had herbal rooms where tea blends and herbal teas were made, packed, weighed and distributed. At the "Hall" he created his sacred place and from his own room on the ground floor he received "patients" all day. (1919/20 - 1939.)
During this period Marcello learned to master several languages, and it is known that he taught some students in English. It is said that he gradually mastered German, English, French, Italian, Sanskrit and the secret Romano language.
Marcello achieves the driverlicense at Lillehammer.
Steiner gives lectures in Oslo, and Marcello reconciles with him before returning to Germany. Marcello later said that he already realized at the time that this was the last time they would see each other.
Marcello publishes "Reflections on a Day," his masterpiece, which is later used actively in the work of helping and healing people.
On November 3rd, Marcello will hear for the first time Inyat Khan, the Grand Master of the Sufi Order, giving a speach in Kristiania. His message of uniting people beyond belief and race, as well as the message of spreading awareness of the soul's presence, makes a deep impression on Marcello. Sufism is, in its original form, Muslim mysticism. Many believe that their roots go back even further in time and that their basic ideas were already preached as ancient Egypt by Hebrew prophets, and from there spread to Persia and the Orient.
Rudolf Steiner dies May 30 in Dornach, Switzerland.
Øyvind Andersen comes to Villa Arjuna in February and will remain in Marcello's fatithfull service until Marcello's death in 1967.
Marcello shoots in NOK 30,000 and becomes co-owner of a shipping company. Together with a ship captain from Grimstad, whom he previously cured for an eye disease, this year he buys the Swedish steamship, "Rosafred" and starts the shipping company "Haugen, Tellefsen & Co". (The ship was built in Tønning in Germany in 1908 and was 610 gross tonnes - later sold to Portugal in 1934.) In 1930, the two gentlemen form a new company, Haugen-Tellefsen & Co2, and the steamship "Mars" is purchased by T. Willhelmsen in Fredrikstad. (The ship was 715 gross tonnes and built in Hoboken in 1909, later sold to Finland in 1947.)
In the summer Marcello goes to France, where he visit the Tellefsen family in Montpellier and Paris.
Construction of house big-Svarga is being started in Lillehammer.
Marcello buys Reo`n (Oldsmobile) - a beautiful car.
On December 7th this year, Marcello loses his mother, barely half a year before his favorite sister Inga also abruptly dies.
Marcello buys shipowner Lindvik's villa at Bygdø Villa Fjordheim for NOK 350,000, -, a total of about 50 acres, - together with builder Thorvaldsen. A separate real estate company is being prepared for the property. The purchase also includes a beautiful yacht, which was diligently used by Marcello, friends and family. The property remains in his possession for a few years before it is again sold at a very good profit.
Marcello joinst a meeting with the Oxford movement by Frank Buchman in Visby on Gotland.
The Quack Act is being revised and there are new accusations of malpractice. However, the police investigation is closed.
Marcello and a friend goes to Romania.
Later Marcello goes to Germany to see the urns of Steiner, Morgenstern and Bauer.
Marcello also visits Italy at the same time.
Marcello and Øyvind moves to Svarga just before World War II breaks out. Settles there permanently and establishes the family company «A/S Svarga».
Agnes Løkken starts as an assistant at Svarga and is then followed by Karen Ingberg. Agnes, Karen and Øyvind dedicated their lives to facilitating and helping Marcello to carry out and fulfill his mission on earth.
The chapel is built on Svarga, together with representatives from different religions, according to cosmic principles. The shipping business ceases.
Police are starting a lawsuit against Marcello over money given to the family, and tax evasion. Marcello is acquitted on all counts.
Marcello was inaugurated this year in the Order of the Rosary AMORC in Switzerland.
New storm from the press with attacks from Professor Broch.
Marcello was recommended by his good friend Alf Mathiesen to establish a Norwegian lodge in the Order of the Rosary AMORC in Oslo. This was created in 1961 under the name "Marcello Haugen Pronaos".
Marcello transits at Svarga after predicting his own time of death almost at the minute, December 30th just before hrs 23.00. He turned 89 years old. He is buried at his own request alongside his mother and sister Inga at Vestre Aker Church in Oslo.
The properties Arjuna and Svarga are sold against Marcello's own request.
TV program about Marcello on NRK - «The road to Svarga».
Øystein Parman's biography of Marcello is published.
The family company Svarga is closed down, while the remaining property "Sameti", is transformed into "Stiftelsen Sameti", later "Marcello Haugen stiftelsen", today "Foreningen Marcello Haugen's friends".
Marcello's autobiography, written in Hillerød, Denmark in 1938, when Marcello was 60 years old. This was made known to the family after someone in the family had found it after a clean-up on Svarga in connection with Marcello's death.
The publishing house Mystica Eterna - Marcello Haugen's own publishing house was founded.
Large amounts of photographs collected over several years are scanned and processed by the publisher for later use.
Parts of Marcello's diary and large amounts of notes, writings, papers and books are systematically collected by the publisher and stored for possible later use.
Marcello's sacred place on Lifjell - The Portal of Hope - The Breathing Room - Sunyata - is started.
The desire to make a film about Marcello's life, thoughts and words grows, and work on such a project begins. The publisher Mystica Eterna is in charge of the project and makes sure that the family's interests are taken care of.
The rights to the program "The Road to Svarga" are secured for the publisher and will be released as a DVD.
We mark the 130th anniversary of Marcello's birth with a migration to "The Cave" outside Kongsberg.
The publisher Mystica Eterna starts the work of buying back central objects in Marcello's life, with a view to creating a Marcello museum.
The work of being able to restore and ensure good access to the chapel on Svarga is started. This work is followed up continuously, both vis-à-vis the county municipality, municipality and owner of Svarga.
Theosophists from all over the Nordic countries meet in the Breathing Room on Lifjell and open a crystal portal in the spirit of Marcello.
The 100th anniversary of the construction of the Sameti at Otta was marked by ritual acts. At the same time, maintenance work was carried out.
On the occasion that it was 50 years since Marcello passed away, a memorial service and consert was conducted in Vestre Aker church in Oslo on December 30th at 11:00.
Articles about Marcello in the Home, Jernbanens Årbok and Vision.
Setting up of a cultural memorial plaque «Blue Sign» at Marcello's childhood home in Nummedalsveien 26, Kongsberg on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of 6th of July.
Publication of Marcello Haugen's «Autobiography».
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