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Mikael Martin Hansen Haugen was born in this little house on July 6th 1878. The child-rich family who lived in the small house by Numedalslågen at Krutthusmoen, today's Numedalsveien 26.


In 1890, they lost their father after a work accident in the silver mines. Martin was then 12 years old. He had to quit school and start working. At his mother's request, he then began as an baking apprentis, and completed it in March 1897.


In 1895 the family moved to Kristiania (Oslo) and Martin moved with them, after his bakingschooling was compleeted. His brother Hans had bought the house in Kongsberg and lived here for a few more years, until it was sold to the grandfather of Wenche Gulbrandsen who is the owner of the house today.


Wenche's grandfather bought the house. The uncle and aunt took over this, and then inherited Wenche house of them.

Kongsberg nr. 26
140årsmarkering - Blått skilt avduke
Martin som ung mann
Kongsberg - Martin med familien sin
140Ã¥rs markering - Dag, Wenche, Lars


Nummedalsveien 26

3617 Kongsberg


How to visit:

Contact Wenche Gulbrandsen who is happy to let you in by appointment. Mobile: 412 20 723

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